Monday, October 22, 2012

CC#3: Government Report On Secret Flying Saucer Program Made Available

In a current article by, a notorious broadcasting news station, entitled "Government Report On Secret Flying Saucer Program Made Available," describes 1) how flying saucers are constructed 2) how efficient the air crafts can be and 3) the use of the aircraft.
"The disk-shaped craft -- which comes complete with an ejector seat and was powered by a "ram jet" -- was designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4 and reach a ceiling of more than 100,000 feet..."  The flying saucer happens to be created by extremely advanced technology.  All the features included in the quote basically construct the flying saucer. 
"...The airframe at supersonic speed appears good and that of the engine reasonable, so that the long supersonic cruise range is also forecast..."  The hovercraft's efficiency caught quite a few eyes; therefore, the flying saucer was at least a great invention made for America.  The obscure features that one does not see on a normal electronic transportation system makes the flying saucer one of a kind. 
"...The report notes a followup plan to develop weapons... to allow it to be used as a reconnaissance... a interceptor, or as a tactical bomber."  The flying saucer basically can be used for harmful situations to defend ourselves from foes.  The use of this aircraft happens to be beneficial; the saucers multi-purpose weapons makes us calm about warlike situations we can get involvd in. 

I can become an active participant in my learning by reading more about what the government plans on doing to reshape programs like the flying saucer to improve America, the best country in the world.  I can take responsibility for my learning by simply reading about our government's expectations to improve our country. plainly describes how flying saucers are shaped and how the program's availability shows presence.

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